Namen vsakega dogodka je, da ustvarimo doživetje, ki ga udeleženci še dolgo ne bodo pozabili.
Lahko izpeljemo podjetniški vikend v šolski avli. A če je po naše, najamemo vlak in v kupejih štiri dni razvijamo poslovne ideje in jih predstavimo pred investitorji 1.500km stran. Lahko pomagamo organizirati podjetniško tekmovanje. Ampak če nam dovolite biti ustvarjalni, bomo prepričali predsednika države, da se to zgodi v Predsedniški palači. Lahko naredimo športni dan za vaše osnovnošolce. Mi raje grad v vašem kraju spremenimo v prizorišče podjetniškega lova za zakladom. Dogodki, ki jih organiziramo, so priložnost, da udeležence motiviramo za podjetniško pot, zato jim vedno damo še dodatno piko na i izjemne izkušnje.
Our approach...

Liaising with partners where possible
We are stronger together, so whenever possible we suggest connecting with someone who will take your event to a higher level

Emphasis on participants’ experience
Our first priority is to make every event really fun and lively and make it a great experience for everyone.

Unusual locations and special challenges
Whenever possible, we will try to create additional motivation for participants to develop their ideas with a specific location or context.
Ustvarjalnik’s Events are a pool in which we recruit entrepreneurs, which we include in our most prominent incentive programs.
Scholarships for young entrepreneurs of Ustvarjalnik Youth Fund, study visits to Europe and the USA, the show ‘Start, Slovenia!’ etc.
Na katere dogodke smo najbolj ponosni?

Startup Train 2019
Together with Slovenian Railways and A1 Slovenia, we provided a train and an internet connection with which 15 Slovenian business teams went on a four-day trip to Sofia, where they developed their business ideas on the way with the help of 30 mentors and at the end presented them to investors, one of the largest investment funds. – LauncHub.

Competition for our youngest startup of the year
For eight years, Ustvarjalnik has been organizing a competition for the best young startups, featuring already established companies founded by high school students. So far, we hosted it in the Presidential Palace and the National Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia, and every year the most respected entrepreneurs from all over the world address the participants. The winners of the competitions usually continue their careers at universities abroad.

Enterprise hiking through Savinjska valley
Together with the representatives of the local tourism organization, we prepared a one-week program for young creative minds, who spent three days exploring the landscape, looking for opportunities, and then developing new tourism products for two days under the guidance of the Ustvarjalnik Mentors. Today, many of them common in tourist shops.

Hunting for a fund on the Slovenska Bistrica castle
At the invitation of the local tourism institute, hints, puzzles and challenges were hidden throughout the castle estate. We have given the entire generation of 7th graders in nearby elementary schools the opportunity to find treasure and thus train their ingenuity as well as their entrepreneurial and creative skills.

Enterprise weekend at the presidential palace 2015
For three days, we occupied the President’s office and spent an entrepreneurial weekend at the Presidential Palace and streamed the entire event live online. The event featured 18 high school entrepreneurship ideas, 5 of which grew into successful businesses. It was the first corporate event at the Presidential Palace so far.
How can we get started?

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